
HyperDisk Blog

All the latest posts on HyperDisk.

Too many Mac apps are being built with Electron

Apple puts a lot of work into making a complete, polished development environment. The best Mac apps are the ones that use Apple’s own tools and toolkits, and stick closely to them.

Finding similar looking images, fast

I love a good programming challenge. Especially when it has to do with pixels — preferably lots of them.

I wanted HyperDisk to include a really solid similar images detector. By solid I mean fast, reliable, and scalable for large image libraries.

Building HyperDisk from scratch:
a 9 month code odyssey

Ahhhh, fresh air. The past 9 months have been a programming marathon, now concluded with the birth of a beautiful app called HyperDisk. It’s exhilarating to finally be ramping down the programming and switching modes to a less techie, more human-oriented mental state. To that end, I’ll be blogging and making content about HyperDisk. That starts today with… Read post